Getting Started with Thousand Empty light

Written by A somebody | Jan 2, 2025 1:43:22 AM

Themes: Lonliness, despair, hoplessness, space confinement, corporate deception, cog in the wheel, extreme solitude.

What is Thousand Empty light (TEL)? TEL is a solo module for the sci-fi horror TTRPG Mothership. It uses a system called ORACLE, which is an acronym on the procedures of the game. It stands for:

1. Observe

Decide on course of action. What should I do given my surroundings? Make use of my skills and equipment.

2. Act

Attempt action.

3. Conclude

Determine the outcome of the action and whether follow-up action is required.

4. Leave Evidence

Record near collisions, ancient precursors and any identified hazards using the incidents and near-misses form. Also leave a maintenance report for the next lamplighter (journaling part).

After recording the maintenance report, check for depth complications by consulting the PANIC reference. My goal as a lamplighter is to restore light and power to all sections of TEL022 and return to the western caisson waiting for airlift. There is also a clearnce encrypted page which I believe refers to the PDF from the soundtrack. I'll have to find a way to decrypt it.

My Character

Abigail Dombrowski "DILLIGAF"  
  • Teamster
    • Industrial Equipment
    • Zero-G
    • Jury rigging
    • Mechanical repair
  • Equipment
    • Han 290
    • Vaccsuit
    • Salvage Drone
    • Shovel
    • Flashlight
    • Rebreather
    • Dive Gauge
  • Stress
    • Current: 2
    • Minimum: 2
Strength: 40 Speed: 45 Intellect: 42

Combat: 42

Sanity: 29 Fear: 31 Body: 28  

Additional Objective

Decoded: alfredvalleyitchio/p

This relates to the website!

I got into the website and typed "Missing", but it appears to be invalid. I did some digging online, and apparently the Kickstarter editions get different stickers or photos?

The missing password definately has something toi do with Ari's response on page 13... AI helper. I'll need to take al ook at its "Hello World" function. Anyway, I'll move on and checkout the solo play example to familiarize myself with TLE and Mothership first.


Here goes my truly offline, traditional solo rpg experience!