My Po-marine class craft aircraft drops me off at the offshore platform adjoined to the western Caisson. My orders here:
I arrive at the entrance to the caisson and start the back up generator, I look up and see a giant, ominous poster plastered above, it reads:
"Serve God, honor the corporation, but first maintain the light."
Am I religious? (82) →D50 = 41
Fucking Hazmos is asking me to put my job above God. Fuck H.
As the generator hums to life, I look up and see: (29)→D50 =15. Food stuff (digestion/necessity)
The water lies still, relatively calm, but beneath the surface, I could see gaping holes, the diameter of a car dotted throughout the planet. Is this how the planet maintain is necessary balance?
I get a pop in my ears as the automated voice ushers me into the lift. Do not use freight lift it says... 200 seconds of just decsent.
I descend down 1 D100 + 70 meters
(96) +70 = 166. This equates to around 0.83 m/s which is around 3 km/h or 1.86 mph.
Abigail checks the dive gauge - 166 meters, this is a lot further down that what the manual mentioned. 70 meters my ass she thinks to herself.
"If God wills it."
She mumbles under her breath. She steps out of the lift.
Are the crabs still here? (84) --> D50 = 42 Yes.
The dead crabs still has not be cleared yet. The previous lamplighter must've pushed through in a hurry. What little light down here cats an eerie shadow over the crabs. There is also that slushing sound... just outside the caisson. It's almost as peaceful as the rain, if not for this damp and dimly lit area.
What does she think? (36) --> D50 - 18. High Voltage (shock/deception)
This is no place to stand around and she sure hopes the sound abates. Abigail wastes no time and makes way towards the emergency hyperbaric chamber.
Is the door open? (77)--> D50 =39 Yes.
She enters the room to find the much needed PPE located in the supply lockers. These swarm of crabs did not die by themselves. She heads out and:
(43)--> D50 = 22. Moving Machinery (industry/repetition)
Clink! Clink!
The sign above her head comes alive, shining brightly.
Few seconds later, separated by a few meters each, the same type light sines as if stirred Abigail's presence, leading her to section 1.
Whatever that's in here, knows of Abigail's presence now. As she makes her way through the decontamination corridors lit by the signs...